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Friday, April 13, 2007

I condemn you Mr Hojatel-Eslam KHAMENEI : By Ghassem Sholeh Sadi

Ghassem Sholeh Sadi: The Latest Victim of Islamic Regime?
April 12, 2007 Iran va Jahan Shaheen Fatemi

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While the apologists and self-appointed pundits on Iranian affairs are busily trying to lobby for the ‘détente’ with the Islamic Republic in Washington, the regime in Tehran is busy with its most recent wave of repression by arresting and harassing thousands of women activists, teachers and workers, Many of the leaders of Iran’s ‘One Million Signature Movement,’ a grass-roots women-rights organization, are under arrest. Some of the labor leaders as well as members of the Teachers Unions have been arrested with no clear charge or protection of legal due process of law... The imminent arrest of Ghassem Sholeh Sadi is the latest move in this new wave of oppressive tactics of the Islamic police-state. According to Radio France International (RFI- Wednesday April 12, 2007) Ghassem Sholeh Sadi, Professor of Law at Tehran University, a former member of Islamic regime’s parliament and a practice attorney has been notified that he has been convicted to eighteen month of imprisonment. His alleged crime is an open letter which he had addressed to the ‘supreme leader’ more than five years ago. In that letter he had politely criticized some of the domestic as well as international actions and policies of the Leader and the Regime. This is the second time that he will be going to jail as a punishment for his courage in calling into question the excesses of the Iranian theocracy. In a radio interview with RFI, from Tehran on Wednesday 12 April, he once again reiterated his criticism of the regime in no uncertain terms. He said he was not going to be intimidated by prison or any other punishment and will continue to express himself freely. In the same interview he recalled some of the major points raised in his famous letter and pointed to the accuracy of his prophesy regarding the fall of Saddam Hossein and the necessity of seeking accommodations with the United States and other Western nations. Mr. Sholeh Sadi’s arrest and imprisonment is another example of the Islamic regime’s enmity toward universities, professors, students and the legal profession. The following is the translation of the entire text of Mr. Sholeh Sadi’s famous letter::

See Here :

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