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Shahanshah Aryameher


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Friday, April 13, 2007

Latest News from IRAN ve JAHAN, IRAN & The WORLD

Iran's Big Bluff
Iran's claims this week to have reached an industrial level of uranium enrichment have largely been met with scorn. ISN Security Watch investigates the current status of the Iranian nuclear program. more
By ISN Security Watch

Posted 13/4/2007 @ 11:44:47 GMT
The Long Road to Victory
The common wisdom in Washington these days is that the Americans will leave Iraq by the end of President George W. Bush's presidency regardless of the situation on the ground. This view is based on the proposition that Iraq is unwinnable. It has had a devastating impact on the administration's confidence that it can handle Iran's nuclear weapons program. more
By The Jerusalem Post

Posted 13/4/2007 @ 11:23:12 GMT
Moscow Greets Banned Iranian General
A Revolutionary Guards general, No. 7 on the blacklist of 15 Iranians who are banned from traveling abroad by UN Security Council Resolution 1747, was welcomed by Russian authorities last week. more
By The Jerusalem Post

Posted 13/4/2007 @ 9:10:34 GMT
Germany: Iran Atom Plan Shows Need for Missile Shield
The latest developments with Iran's nuclear program reinforce the case for a U.S. missile shield to protect Europe from attacks, German Defense Minister Franz Josef Jung said. more
By Reuters

Posted 13/4/2007 @ 8:57:55 GMT
Iranian Missiles Can Strike Europe
WASHINGTON -- Iran has at least 20 missiles that could strike targets in Europe. A leading U.S. missile analyst said Iran has acquired an arsenal of BM-25 intermediate-range missiles that could strike Europe. Riki Ellison, president of the Missile Defense Advocacy Alliance, said the U.S. missile defense umbrella was insufficient to protect against Iranian missiles. more
By Middle East Newsline

Posted 13/4/2007 @ 8:52:39 GMT
Russia: U.S. Still Preparing Cruise Missile Strike on Iran
MOSCOW -- The United States is planning to launch a war with Iran with a salvo of cruise missiles against military and other strategic facilities, a Russian official said. more
By World

Posted 13/4/2007 @ 8:35:47 GMT
International Games
Forget the Superbowl, here's the latest on the biggest game in town -- the one between the Iran and the Britain. First of all the Iranians take fifteen members of the British armed forces captive and get away with it - goal! Then they score a political coup by suddenly letting them go - another goal! more
By CBS News

Posted 13/4/2007 @ 8:21:3 GMT
Fugitive Says He Met Missing Ex-FBI Agent in Iran
An American fugitive living in Iran since he murdered an Iranian opposition activist in the US in 1980 has revealed that he met a former Federal Bureau of Investigation agent shortly before the latter disappeared on the Iranian island of Kish a month ago. more
By The Financial Times

Posted 12/4/2007 @ 23:52:33 GMT
Iraq Calls for Help Against Tehran's 'Dangerous' Influence
WASHINGTON -- An Iraqi government spokesman on Wednesday called on Iraq’s Arab neighbours to help curb Iran’s “dangerous” influence in his country and for the United States to reach an “understanding” with Tehran. more

Posted 12/4/2007 @ 23:26:29 GMT
Iran Steps Up Persecution Of Bahá'í Students And Children
London -– The Bahá'í community of the United Kingdom has been distressed to receive reports from Iran indicating that the persecution of Bahá’ís has escalated and now extends to the community’s most vulnerable members - children and young teenagers. Additionally, two elderly Bahá'í women have been murdered in separate but remarkably similar incidents. more
By National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United Kingdom

Posted 12/4/2007 @ 18:57:0 GMT
Iran Arrests 90 Militants from Shadowy Sunni Group
Iran has arrested 90 members of a shadowy Sunni militant group known as Jundallah accused of attacks in a volatile area on the border with Pakistan and Afghanistan, a press report said on Thursday. more
By Agence France Presse

Posted 12/4/2007 @ 18:51:45 GMT
U.N. Nuke Chief: Iran's Program Limited
RIYADH, Saudi Arabia -- Iran is still only operating several hundred centrifuges at its uranium enrichment plant outside the city of Natanz, despite its claims to have activated 3,000 of the devices, the head of the U.N. nuclear watchdog agency said Thursday. more
By The Associated Press

Posted 12/4/2007 @ 9:54:34 GMT
Ahmadinejad's Dangerous Games
The Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has come to resemble a young child playing with a dangerous toy. On a daily basis he issues a new statement about this new toy, namely, "the nuclear bomb". One day he is celebrating the use of the centrifugation process, another day he announces the 'national nuclear day' for the Islamic Republic of Iran and on another day, he rejects nuclear inspection in protection of "the dignity" of the republic! more
By Asharq Alawsat

Posted 12/4/2007 @ 9:42:30 GMT
Iran Oversells its Nuclear Progress
For nearly five years, the world has watched Iran pursue a uranium-enrichment program aimed at making fuel for nuclear power plants--or for nuclear weapons. The Iranian program is based on cascades of gas centrifuges, groups of large, spinning tubes that process, or enrich, uranium. One year ago this week, Iran announced, to widespread concern, that it had enriched uranium to a level suitable for use in power plants, a task it accomplished using a cascade of 164 centrifuges. more
By The New Republic

Posted 12/4/2007 @ 9:19:50 GMT
Iran Helps Fund Oil Pipeline to Avoid Malacca Strait
The construction of an oil pipeline across northern Malaysia is due to begin by August, offering companies the chance to avoid the increasingly congested Malacca Strait, local government officials said yesterday. more
By The Financial Times

Posted 12/4/2007 @ 9:5:34 GMT
Iran: More Arrests of Teachers
According to the Teachers’ Trade Association of Iran’s website and other reliable sources about 45 teachers of the province of Hamadan were arrested on Sunday, April 8, 2007 and then transferred to an unknown location. About 30 of the arrested teachers were arrested in the office the teachers’ Trade Association of Hamadan and a number of other educators were arrested in their homes and other places; this included all members of the board of directors of the association in Hamadan. more

Posted 12/4/2007 @ 9:3:27 GMT
Iran: Mahmood Salehi, Leading Labour Activist Arrested
Mahmood Salehi, a leading labour activist from the city of Saghez was re-arrested on Monday April 9 by the Islamic regime’s security forces. Salehi who was at work at the time was taken during his lunch break by armed security forces to the public prosecutor’s office regarding his bail on charges of organizing May Day strikes and demonstrations last year. more

Posted 12/4/2007 @ 8:43:53 GMT
Burns: Diplomacy will Work with Iran, Over Time
BOSTON -- If given enough time, diplomatic efforts to squeeze Iran economically and isolate the country politically will derail Iranian efforts to develop nuclear weapons and destabilize Iraq, said R. Nicholas Burns, undersecretary for political affairs at the State Department. more
By The Associated Press

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