Alliance For democracy In Iran

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Shahanshah Aryameher


Iranian Freedom Fighters UNITE

Saturday, November 01, 2008

THC kills brain cancer cells - but not normal brain cells.

If you or someone you know has cancer pass this info along to them, they do not have to die! - THC kills brain cancer cells - but not normal brain cells. After 20 hours of treatment at the same concentration, only brain cancer cells died.

You can also go here for Rick Simpson hemp oil info:
Rick has been treating and curing cancer and other ailments with thc oil.

@ you can watch run for the cure to make your own cure for cancer at home.

Here is part one of 7

The major active component of the medicinal plant cannabis, ?9-THC, has been shown in experiments with rats to have therapeutic potential against brain tumors. SETH Group scientists Garret Yount, Ph.D. and Sean McAllister, Ph.D. designed experiments in a time-lapse microscope to test whether ?9-THC can stop the growth of human glioblastoma multiforma (GBM) brain cancer cells. Using the same tests that are used to judge new chemotherapies, the team discovered that the herbal compound kills human GBM cells at a concentration that is nontoxic to normal brain cells. Click here to see Featured Experiment. No chemotherapy can match this nontoxic anti-cancer action. The implication is that this plant compound could be a safe medicine against brain tumors, without the side effects of chemotherapy. These exciting results may be just the tip of the iceberg, however, because ?9-THC is only one of many active compounds in medicinal cannabis. Other active constituents of the Cannabis plant (called cannabinoids) are also likely to have a nontoxic anti-cancer action.

.. Click here and add me to support all the people in the world that are innocent of just possessing a part of nature on their person: all the people in the world that need cannabis for medicinal purposes, and all the people in the world that grow this wonderful and natural plant to provide others that need it, to have it. This is the most versatile plant on earth hands down, we need to be utilizing it to live sustainably. We have to eliminate the stereotypes associated with cannabis and spread the truth far and wide! We also have to be very concerned with the ownership and patenting of nature, if cannabis is legalized we need to protect it from GMO patent! The government did not have the jurisdiction to outlaw plants to begin with, we have to end prohibition NOW!Educate yourself and find out why it‘s Bad and Expensive to have a WAR ON PLANTS. Sorry it‘s not Bad, it‘s Stupid.

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