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Friday, November 23, 2007

Iraq and Afghanistan: Democracy Trumps Democrats : Kevin Fatemi*


As the Democratic Party and brutal dictatorships around the world grimace and curse at each iota of good news coming from Iraq, the freedom-loving people of Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan shake their heads in puzzlement at the news from America. Democracy in Iraq and Afghanistan was born on the first election days when proud citizens of these newly-liberated nations risked being blown up by exercising their right to vote for the first time. Meanwhile in Iran, sham elections held with virtually no opposition, no freedom of the press nor any of the facets of true free elections installed a madman bent on internal oppression, external terror and nuclear weapons production on an industrial scale. Instead of condemnation and protest by the Democratic Party at the brutal internal repression of any and all political opposition in Iran, Ahmadinejad is cited as a potential partner in peace talks by the Democrats. As Amir Taheri pointed out on Fox News, the Middle Eastern people are "baffled" by the propensity of the American press to spin the news in a negative light and also baffled by the "defeatist self-flagellation" of the Democratic leaders such a Harry Reid whose declaration that the war in Iraq was "lost" was broadcast worldwide to the shock of millions who look to America as their only beacon of hope for freedom and to the delight of all those who envision the ultimate destruction of the United States and the rest of Western Civilization.
Please read the full article here:

A Plan to Attack Iran Swiftly And From Above
November 22, 2007 Globe and Mail Paul Koring

WASHINGTON -- Massive, devastating air strikes, a full dose of "shock and awe" with hundreds of bunker-busting bombs slicing through concrete at more than a dozen nuclear sites across Iran is no longer just the idle musing of military planners and uber-hawks. Although air strikes don't seem imminent as the U.S.-Iranian drama unfolds, planning for a bombing campaign and preparing for the geopolitical blowback has preoccupied military and political councils for months. No one is predicting a full-blown ground war with Iran. The likeliest scenario, a blistering air war that could last as little as one night or as long as two weeks, would be designed to avoid the quagmire of invasion and regime change that now characterizes Iraq. But skepticism remains about whether any amount of bombing can substantially delay Iran's entry into the nuclear-weapons club. Attacking Iran has gone far beyond the twilight musings of a lame-duck president. Almost all of those jockeying to succeed U.S. President George W. Bush are similarly bellicose. Both front-runners, Democrat Senator Hillary Clinton and Republican Rudy Giuliani, have said that Iran's ruling mullahs can't be allowed to go nuclear. "Iran would be very sure if I were president of the United States that I would not allow them to become nuclear," said Mr. Giuliani. Ms. Clinton is equally hard-line. Nor does the threat come just from the United States. As hopes fade that sanctions and common sense might avert a military confrontation with Tehran - as they appear to have done with North Korea - other Western leaders are openly warning that bombing may be needed. Unless Tehran scraps its clandestine and suspicious nuclear program and its quest for weapons-grade uranium (it already has the missiles capable of delivering an atomic warhead), the world will be "faced with an alternative that I call catastrophic: an Iranian bomb or the bombing of Iran," French President Nicolas Sarkozy has warned. Bombing Iran would be relatively easy. Its antiquated air force and Russian air-defence missiles would be easy pickings for the U.S. warplanes.
Please Read the full article here:

The German Connection
November 22, 2007 Ha'aretz Benjamin Weinthal

BERLIN -- In early 2005, German customs police raided a series of German firms involved in a clandestine relationship with Vero, a Berlin-based front company that was illegally supplying nulcear technology and equipment to Iran. The smuggling operation involved 50 German companies and used a nuclear reactor in the Russian city of Rostov to hide the fact that it was supplying equipment to Bushehr, a port city in southern Iran. Bushehr is the site of a feverish attempt by Russians and Iranians to rebuild Iran's nuclear reactors. Iran's Islamic government insists that these efforts are aimed at a non-military nuclear program, yet intelligence experts believe Bushehr is the gateway to an Iranian nuclear weapons arsenal. Vero's now-defunct Berlin office served as an illegal conduit, operating throughout Germany, for Iran's nuclear program. Germany bars the sale of nuclear equipment and "technological support" to Iran and nine other nations, including Israel, without a special permit from the German Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (BAFA). The Russian government, however, is not required to secure such a permit. Thus, German engineering firms can easily circumvent export regulations by designating a country that is not among the 10 listed in the export control law. Hartwig Muller, head of the German domestic intelligence service Verfassungsschutz in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW), went so far as to say in an article in the weekly Die Zeit in late August that "we are seeing a regular procurement offensive ... Iran is putting out feelers even more greedily toward German high techs in NRW. The interest is primarily in arms and technology and know-how for the nuclear program."
Please read the full story here:

Iranian Lawyer Representing Dervishes Is Detained : 11/22/07

November 21, 2007 (RFE/RL) -- One of the lawyers representing a Sufi order targeted by a recent crackdown has been detained in Iran, Radio Farda reported. Mostafa Daneshju was detained in Karaj on November 20, but the reason for his arrest has not been made clear, nor is it known where Daneshju is being held. A fellow lawyer, Farshid Yadollahi, told Radio Farda that Daneshju had previously been sentenced to a prison term and lashes on charges of spreading lies and insulting officials. He reportedly appealed against the sentence. Yadollahi also said Daneshju has been active in defending the rights of the Gonabadi order of dervishes. "Following the destruction of the Gonabadi worship house in Ghom, [Daneshju] launched a complaint about the legal and religious violations that happened there," Yadollahi said. "He also represented the case of a Sufi who had been attacked in Loristan Province." Daneshju's arrest comes about 10 days after clashes broke out between dervishes and Shi'ite hard-liners in the Western city of Borujerd. Dozens of people were injured and arrested during the skirmishes, and the Sufis' prayer house was partly destroyed. Human rights groups have expressed concern over what appears to be increased state pressure on the Sufi order in Iran. The U.S. State Department says respect for religious freedom in Iran is extremely poor and has been deteriorating since Ahmadinejad came to power in 2005 -- especially for Sufi Muslims and members of the Baha'i faith.

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