Alliance For democracy In Iran

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Shahanshah Aryameher


Iranian Freedom Fighters UNITE

Monday, August 20, 2007

“Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; they put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitte

“There has been and will be a price paid in human lives,
in hardship and suffering,
and in the loss of certain values, in the revolutionary transformation of any society. Cambodia is no exception to that principle.”
Flash forward to today.
The Iranian Islamic regime is killing its own people in the largest wave of executions in Iran since 1984 when Ayatollah Khomeini ordered the shooting of thousands of political prisoners.
Over the past two months alone, at least 118 people have been executed, including four who were stoned to death.
It has been reported that one hundred fifty more people, including five women, are scheduled to be hanged or stoned to death in the near future.
We do not hear a peep from the radical Left about such human rights atrocities committed in the name of Islamic ideology. After all, there is “a price paid in human lives…in the revolutionary transformation of any society.” Indeed, the Iranian regime born in revolution against Western influence is one that Porter and his fellow Leftists appear to trust more than they trust their own government. In their worldview, if it were not for Bush’s refusal to recognize the legitimacy of the Islamic theocracy ruling Iran and his “administration's drive for greater dominance in the Middle East”, everything would be coming up roses in our relationship with Iran. Denying the realities of mass slaughters committed by Communist totalitarian states and Islamic jihadists, radical Leftists have long been accustomed to believing the best about our enemies and the worst about our democratically elected leaders. To them, revolutionary transformation of societies to some utopian notion of perfection can excuse the blood that must be spilt to achieve the revolutionary goals. They would do well to pay heed to these telling words of Prophet Isaiah, but alas they never will: “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; they put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” Woe
Read this Article here:
WASHINGTON - Coalition forces killed 13 terrorists and detained 12 suspected terrorists east of Tarmiyah, Iraq, during an operation today targeting an al Qaeda cell leader who provides guidance to senior terrorist leaders in Iraq.Aug 17, 2007,
BAGHDAD - Multinational Division Baghdad troops are doing their part to contribute to Multinational Corps Iraq's Operation Phantom Strike by continuing to apply pressure on al Qaeda and Shiia extremists throughout the Iraqi capital.Aug 17, 2007,
WASHINGTON - Afghan troops advised by coalition forces detained 11 suspected insurgents during operations today in Ghazni and Kandahar, Afghanistan.Aug 17, 2007, WASHINGTON - Denying the enemy sanctuary is the major capability brought to bear by surge forces in Iraq, a commander in the region said today.Aug 17, 2007,
WASHINGTON - Coalition forces captured a highly sought "special groups" weapons facilitator before dawn today northeast of Baghdad. In other operations this week, coalition forces captured 54 suspected terrorists and killed 19 terrorists

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