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Shahanshah Aryameher


Iranian Freedom Fighters UNITE

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

DOZARI appoints his mate to get investment for the oil industry from his friends abroad !

Iran seeks foreign oil investment : By Gareth Smyth in Tehran : Published: August 20 2007 22:31

Iran appointed a new deputy oil minister for international affairs on Monday as part of a government reshuffle. Hossein Noghrehkar-Shirazi, who will take over responsibility for liaison with foreign companies, was appointed by the acting oil minister, Gholam-Hossein Nozari. The oil ministry said Mr Noghrehkar-Shirazi had previously been a diplomat in Austria and had studied in the US.
see here:

Ignoring the Fire-Ship

Many centuries ago, in naval warfare, ships were set ablaze and floated into the midst of opposing fleets resulting in all-consuming conflagrations of destruction and doom for the unprepared opponents. Since 1979, the Islamic Republic of Iran has waged an unrelenting, covert and at times overt war against the US and the West in general. From the Hostage Crisis, to the massacre of 240 Marines in Beirut, to the Khobar Towers bombing in Saudi Arabia, to the funding and training of Mohamad Atta and other 911 bombers in Bosnia, to the training, arming, funding and participation in the killing of US and coalition troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, and at innumerable times and locations in between, the Islamic Republic has been a vital and integral leader in these terrorist activities culminating in the shedding of American blood and that of her allies. These activities have not only shown no sign of remission since the initiation of a new round of "security-roundtable discussions" with Iran, but they have increased dramatically...
By Kevin Fatemi
Read The article :

Mother Accuses Iran of Torturing Students
A mother of one of the three Iranian students still held in jail after an incident in May on Monday publicly accused the authorities of torturing the young men to obtain confessions. Azam Tajik, mother of Ehsan Mansouri, a student detained for the past four months on suspicion of publishing material offensive to Islam in university newspapers, said her son had been held in solitary confinement in Tehran's Evin prison. more By Agence France-Presse

U.S. Undersecretary of State: 'We Have Time For Diplomacy' With Iran
WASHINGTON -- Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs R. Nicholas Burns today said the diplomatic option must ‘be exhausted’ before other methods of persuading Iran to abandon its nuclear program are considered. more By Radio Free Europe

Iran Seeks Foreign Oil Investment
Iran appointed a new deputy oil minister for international affairs on Monday as part of a government reshuffle. Hossein Noghrehkar-Shirazi, who will take over responsibility for liaison with foreign companies, was appointed by the acting oil minister, Gholam-Hossein Nozari. more By The Financial Times

Larijani Warns Against New UN Resolution Against Iran
Secretary of Supreme National Security Council (SNSC) warned Westerners seeking new resolution against Iran any 'illogical action' would make Iran's cooperation with IAEA and negotiations 'futile.' more By Islamic Republic News Agency

U.S. Marine Seeking Damages from Iran
It was Oct. 23, 1983, when the largest non-nuclear explosion ever detonated sent Marine Lance Cpl. Terry Valore, of Slickville in Westmoreland County, flying into a wall as his barracks disintegrated around him in Beirut, Lebanon. more By Pittsburg Tribune-Review

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